About Me

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This is a clothing line that is centered around the art of fashion and music. This is the line that steps outside the box and add a touch of life to every piece of art work focusing on Urban/ Vintage Apparel. Seen on Neffe and Solo photo-shoot with DUDE and BStar. In addition, MAFIA is supported by V-103 Greg Street, Bishop Eddie L. Long, Yung Joc, John Gray, Edward Long, Comedian John Gray, and many entertainers. MAFIA features in My Magazine 4 Girls, 14th and Atlanta Talk Show, YGEA Awards 2010, 46 CBS Atlanta News.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

M-Red Designs (The MAFIA Collection) Kids Collection

M-Red Designs (The MAFIA Collection) Kids Collection

Jr. MAFIA is off for TAKEOFF

M-Red Designs (The MAFIA Collection) Thumbs Up Shirt

New Thumbs Up Shirts are Selling

M-Red Designs (The MAFIA Collection) Flystyle Leading Ladies Artistic

New M-Red Tote Bags... Great for carrying belongings & stylish to. http://mreddesigns.hitart.com

M-Red Designs (The MAFIA Collection) Flystyle Leading Ladies

Photo-shoot with The Flystyle Leading Ladies

 Veiw ALL here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/fbx/?set=a.137304873009247.29252.100001892064599

The MAFIA Collection M-Red Designs Young N' Famous

Seen rocking Young N Famous t-shirt